Common Questions
What should I wear to Church?
As the old saying goes, “Come as you are!” We want you to be comfortable and be focused on experiencing God. What ever helps you achieve that goal, is great with us. God loves you, not the clothes you wear!
You will find some people are more comfortable wearing their “Sunday best” and others come in shorts and a T-shirt! We care about you growing in relationship with God, not about how dressed up you are!
What about the kids?
We love kids!
Feel free to bring your children to the worship service with you. We do our best to engage them during the service. We LOVE the sound of crying babies! That is the sweet sound of our church growing! If you prefer, we have a nursery for children up to age three.
Children age 4 through 2nd grade are invited to listen to the children’s sermon during worship, then we’ll escort them over to a classroom for their own children’s church. Parents may pick up their children after worship service.
Do I need to read the Bible before I come?
Church is for everyone wanting to meet with God in community with others. The Bible is the divine word of God, but it is not necessary to have completely read prior to coming to a church. The Bible is a roadmap to salvation and answers all of life’s questions unequivocally. The deeper your relationship becomes with God, the more you will want to read and learn about Him and His word.
Small Group Info
What small groups do you have?
We have both a United Women in Faith Group and an Men’s Group. The men’s group meets every other Saturday morning at 8:30. See the calendar page for more date info. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the discussion and fellowship. We also offer different small bible study groups throughout the year to match the current season, check our event calendar for more info.
Do you have any Scouting Groups
On Monday nights, at 6pm we have Troop 0052 of the Boy Scouts of America and on Wednesday Cub Scouts (Pack 3052) at 7pm. We have two different Girl Scout troops; those troops meet at the church on Tuesday at 6pm and Wednesday at 5:30pm.
Do you have an AA group?
AA meets at 7:30 pm on Sunday and then also at 7:00pm on Tuesday.
Weddings & Venue Rental
General Guidelines
Decorations, flowers, Unity candle, ect. are the bridal couple’s responsibility. The church does not have candelabras for your use. Birdseed is permitted outside only, please refrain from using rice or rice products. No Smoking inside of the church is permitted, this includes the Fellowship Hall and all classrooms. There is a designated smoking area located outside by the parking lot. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises. This includes the parking lot. Facilities are to be left as found (tables & chairs put away)
Can I get married at SMC?
Yes! Contact the office at (440) 969-1562 to schedule for the building use and to meet with the pastor.
Preparing for a Christian Wedding
Preparing for a wedding and your life together requires much thought and many decisions. We hope that your decisions will be made jointly in a shared responsibility, in both your wedding preparations and marriage. Pre-marriage counseling is required by our pastor, please plan on a minimum of four, one hour sessions. It is preferred to schedule these sessions early in your preparations. The Minister of Saybrook Methodist church will plan and conduct all services held in the sanctuary. Arrangements for special consideration for ministers not associated with this church to participate will be only with the approval of our minister. The wedding service is a religious ceremony; therefore, the music selected for playing both prior to and during the ceremony is to be in keeping with the essential character. All music is subject to the approval of Cyndi Lemke and our minister. Since this is a worship service, all secular music should be set aside for the reception
Private Events
Reserve the Church

Marriage Ceremony

Memorial Service